Friday, August 20, 2010

Then n Now

Then I was a kid so small
'as engrossed with a bat n a ball
Dreaming about becoming another Sachin
But turning almost tearful when out got the Indian Run Machine
And as the rest behind him rallied back ever so faithfully
I still clung on to the TV stubbornly
Well that was Indian Cricket then
Which was more of a pain
But now it has become so mundane
For defeats have become as rare as the punctuality of Indian trains
Then riding a bicycle was a big source of exhilaration
But now tender hands cannot even resist the pulsar temptation
Then telephonic conversations were rare and landline dominated
But cellphones now galore in every pocket
And yes, so upwardly were the bottom-wear
That got hidden even the navel dear
Today is the era of the low-waist
And the lower you go the closer you get to be called the best
Off course the list is endless
But dearly I wish to make the Readers' experience painless
Yes, then it was the decade of the nineties
When India was just beginning to stand amongst the mighty
Last, but not the least, then had this been written
It would have been sans manipulations but epitomized innocence.


  1. hmmm.....
    presnted in innocent way but the truth is reflecting everywhere....
    ya its funny yet hard truth how with every genaeration the trends seem to change....

  2. reflects blooming writer in u........

    with decades n generations,trends and fashions have changed..
    its true but still the love for the game of cricket havnt been subdued...

  3. Well yes its interesting,
    u just put up a different prospective of now and then..

    but the point here is where is ur inspired mind gone..

    Plz continue ur blog and give us more intricate details of our own lives..!!

  4. Well rampant laziness has been a problem dude .... But yes .. you can expect a new post over the next few days ...... :)

  5. Nice way of bringing out d differences in d past and d present... nice piece of work.. keep it up...

  6. I liked the way u compared things....It has an innocent touch to it....didnt go about things....pretty direct...Would like to read lots more sid! :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Thanks ... I guess i got to quit being a procrastinator ... * sigh

  9. great poetry - you oughta write more of these often

  10. good job buddy..............cts ko bhej aisa ek at least they'll get to know what they are missing

  11. Wow! Really brings out how you feel nostalgic about those innocent days but still can't live without the things that have become a part of our lives these days. Awesome writing...loved the last line!
